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At 10 years old, I had a vision to start a business called PCs for Me and sell the first DIY computer kits for kids. I packaged high quality parts with both an instructional video and booklet and began selling online. After a few years, I switched my business model to sell Raspberry Pi kits, which provided more opportunities to learn circuit building with physical computing. Shortly afterward, I met the fabulous team at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, with whom I've been lucky to work with at a number of events. Today, I still focus on educational outreach through high-quality tutorials and speaking engagements about augmented reality and machine learning.


After meeting the Raspberry Pi Foundation at SxSW Create in 2015, I returned the next year as an exhibitor alongside an awesome group of Raspberry Pi team members. With the recent launch of the Raspberry Pi 3, inventory was flying out of my colorful display. I met people from university professors to young children who were all excited about building with Raspberry Pi.


For five years, I worked at both Houston and Austin Maker Faires teaching and selling Raspberry Pis and the wonderful Pimoroni tools. When Barnes & Noble launched their own Mini Maker Faire, I became a Raspberry Pi Product Evangelist for Houston for two years. I even received a mention in the New York Times. 

Swift for TensorFlow Talk

I introduced a group of data science and machine learning professionals to Swift for TensorFlow, a next generation deep learning framework from Google.

After discussing the compiler and language features that make the project possible, I conducted a live example of training a neural network for image classification.

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Picademy is a free, two-day training that the Raspberry Pi Foundation provides to show teachers how they can bring Raspberry Pi to their classrooms. When Picademy came to UT Austin for the first time, I presented at the orientation and served as a mentor for the 40 teacher cohort as they began their Raspberry Pi adventures.


PCs for Me started when I was 10 years old, offering the first build your own computer kits designed for kids. Upon discovering the Raspberry Pi a few years later, I changed PCs for Me's model to sell educational Raspberry Pi kits and became the youngest distributor of Pimoroni. PCs for Me still serves as a resource for Raspberry Pi information.


When Apple released RealityKit at WWDC 2019, I recognized its position as the future of AR development and filled the need for high-quality educational content with RealityKit Snippets, a collection of tutorials for building great AR apps that reach hundreds of people every week.



In January 2020, I taught a group of developers in Houston about RealityKit, live-coded an AR app, and led a discussion about AR on Apple platforms.

In July 2020, I took my talk to Ray Wenderlich's global iOS developer audience in their RW Talks series.



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