I have 3 years of experience with iOS development in Swift, and I'm building cross-platform native apps with Flutter.
Students have enough to take care of. Mav App helps with the schedule.
When my school switched to a 7-day rotating schedule that doesn't align with the calendar days, I introduced Mav App to alleviate the ensuing confusion. Mav App directs students to their classes, shows parents where their children are during the school day, and helps teachers manage their various classes and flexible time.
Users rave about the slick, customized interface and have used Mav App hundreds of thousands of times.
"I cannot function without this app!"
- A kind teacher
Mav App Year over Year Growth
As I added more features to Mav App on iOS and overhauled the UI, usage has skyrocketed. Summer and winter breaks and weekends are evident in the chart.